

If you need a data expert, please feel free to reach out. I have extensive experience across various domains, assisting both organizations and individuals. I specialize in dynamic pricing in sectors such as logistics and ride-hailing. I can help design your problem-solving approach and guide your team in the right direction to reduce implementation costs. Additionally, I offer technical support to ensure your project's success.


In addition to my expertise in data science, I am passionate about mentoring aspiring data scientists. I have guided numerous individuals through their journeys, helping them develop essential skills and gain confidence in the field. My mentoring approach is tailored to each mentee's needs, focusing on practical applications, problem-solving techniques, and career development. Whether you're just starting or looking to advance your career, I provide personalized support to help you achieve your goals and excel in the dynamic world of data science.

Public Speaking

Alongside my data science expertise, I am an experienced public speaker. I have delivered numerous presentations and workshops on various data science topics, engaging audiences ranging from industry professionals to academic circles. My public speaking skills allow me to effectively communicate complex concepts in an accessible and engaging manner. I am committed to sharing my knowledge, inspiring others, and fostering a deeper understanding of data science. Whether through conferences, seminars, or webinars, I strive to make each speaking engagement informative and impactful.